Ver atardecer en el desierto es un espectáculo que evoca tantas cosas... supongo que cada uno, en su interior construirá / deconstruirá su memoria: si su adolescencia, si aquel verano, si como Goethe pensará en el descanso de su particular ocaso....
Yo no puedo evitar recordar al poeta E. Estlin Cummings: Si te gustan mis versos, déjalos al caminar al atardecer un poco detrás de ti...
To watch sunset in the desert is a spectacle that evokes so many things ... I suppose each one, in you interior will build / deconstruct memories: if the adolescence, if that summer, if like Goethe will think about resting of his particular sunset...
Personally, I cannot avoid to remember the poet E. Estlin Cummings:
if you like my poems let them
walk in the evening,a little behind you
(then people will say
"Along this road i saw a princess pass
on her way to meet her lover(it was
toward nightfall)with tall and ignorant servants.")