Necesito del mar porque me enseña: no sé si aprendo música o conciencia: no sé si es ola sola o ser profundo o sólo ronca voz o deslumbrante suposición de peces y navios... (P. Neruda)
I need sea because it teaches me: I do not know if I learn music or awareness: I do not know if is one wave or be profound being or just hoarse voice or dazzling assumption of fishes and ships ......
我需要大海,因為它教給我:我不知道如果我學習音樂或意識:我不知道如果是一浪高深刻的存在 或聲音嘶啞或耀眼 假設的魚類和船舶......
I need sea because it teaches me: I do not know if I learn music or awareness: I do not know if is one wave or be profound being or just hoarse voice or dazzling assumption of fishes and ships ......
我需要大海,因為它教給我:我不知道如果我學習音樂或意識:我不知道如果是一浪高深刻的存在 或聲音嘶啞或耀眼 假設的魚類和船舶......